Online Laser Training Core of Knowledge courses

Online Laser Training (OLT) provides two levels of Core of Knowledge training, to ensure users can be provided with a level of training most suitable to their job requirements.

Online Laser Training's  ‘Core of Knowledge’ courses have been developed by an RPA2000 Certificated Laser Protection Adviser and independently accredited to QCF Level 3 and Level 4 by OCN Credit4Learning, a UK educational Awards Organisation that maps courses to National Academic Standards and provides Quality Assurance for OLT courses.

Each course also meets or exceed the recommendations of the Health Education England (HEE) standard ‘Qualification requirements for delivery of cosmetic procedures: Non-surgical cosmetic interventions and hair restoration surgery’

The Level 3 Core of Knowledge Laser User Course is aimed at the laser or IPL user, who requires a fundamental understanding of light based technology, safety procedures and the effects of laser and IPL on biological tissues.

The Level 4 Core of Knowledge Laser Supervisor/LSO Course is aimed at the advanced learner, who requires a more in-depth understanding of Laser and IPL safety procedures and the effects on biological tissues. The level 4 course provides the learner with additional resources and requires the submission of case studies, the completion of several mandatory and elective tasks as well as more challenging multiple-choice tests. 


There are cheaper ‘Core of Knowledge’ courses available online but course quality and recognised accreditation is key to acceptance by insurance providers and regulatory / licensing authorities. OLT's Core of Knowledge courses are recognised by numerous insurance providers including Hamilton Fraser, Holistics, Balens, BABTAC, Lonsdale and Town & Country.

Readers may also be interested in Online Laser Training’s Level 3 Light Based Hair Reduction course - ... and coming soon, Light-based Hair Reduction Level 4!

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