Maximising laser hair-removal revenue with the world’s fastest hair removal laser




The following discussion will look at how to maximise the return on investment , using the world’s fastest hair-removal laser, the Bios “Square Epil”.

All steps discussed in this article can also be used to help your current hair-removal business, or indeed any other aspect of your laser business.

The aesthetic industry is constantly expanding with new treatments and new technologies. Whilst, in general, this is great for the aesthetic industry, and great for your clients as become more aware of treatments; it is also creating a problem: There is much more competition than previously, especially in laser hair-removal. As a direct result of this, the cost of treatments for laser hair removal has been in gradual decline over the last 10 years and it is expected for this trend to continue.

So, why invest in laser hair removal in the first place? and what can make you stand out from the crowd?

Investing in laser hair removal -

Hair removal remains the number one requested aesthetic treatment within the aesthetic industry, so if you want your laser hair removal business to be a success story, you need to be able to offer this type of treatment, effectively and competitively priced. This will increase the number of clients in your business to whom you can cross sell other treatments as well.

Stand out from the crowd - There is a vast array of laser and IPL systems in the world today presenting a bewildering and daunting purchasing choice for the clinic. Remember, to help you in that decision process, you can contact the Laser Market for free, 100% independent advice.

What features do you want your laser to provide?

  • Fast treatments
  • Painless treatments
  • Effective results

With these points as a standard, you can be a success, treating lots of patients with fantastic results, increasing your profit and improving your bottom line.

This brings us onto the BIOS Square Epil; our number 1 pick for hair removal lasers in the world today. why?

Speed - A full body treatment in 34 minutes … WOW!!! This is the fastest in the world

Power - A 270watt laser. The world’s most powerful laser

Efficiency - Gold-standard Nd:YAG (dark skin) and gold-standard Alexandrite (light skin) laser in one system with the ability to fire simultaneously in a blended emission (1 of only 2 lasers world-wide to offer this). In reality, this means targeting of blood supply and melanin in a true solid-state laser.

Results - Unrivalled.

Patient comfort - External cooling source providing 2 types of cooling; contact cooling and cold air; resulting in relatively pain-free hair removal.

As a result of this combination of unrivalled speed and efficiency; you can treat more than double the number of patients than anyone else using their inferior systems. Meaning at least double the revenue than any other business.

Overall impact - More clients being treated, more income and 100% satisfied clients. An avenue to success.


We will look at some of the other standout characteristic of the ‘Square Epil’ through this presentation. This guide can be used for other laser systems but many of the aspect point to the competitive advantages of the BIOS square epil.  

So how do we treat more patients utilising the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ as your tool?

Let’s look at the strategies available and make sure the client picks you.

Digital marketing - a must in today’s aesthetic industry.

Digital marketing refers to your online presence and, for most aesthetic practices, the cornerstone of this id your website. While a good website has the potential to increase your revenue, a bad website can destroy your business.

The goal of your website is to generate interest in your treatments and business, convert those on-line visitors into real life clients.

To achieve this, your website needs to use correct search engine optimisation (SEO), so that anyone in your region searching for laser hair removal treatments on Google, Yahoo or other search engine, is directed towards your website in preference to your competitors.

Once on your website, the aim is to convert them to booking and to do this you need to provide all the information they might need in a clear, concise and informative fashion.

Your website should include basic sections such as:

‘About us’ - Tell them a little about you and your team. What makes your place special?

‘Treatments’ - Tell them what you offer and why they should choose you.

‘Testimonials’ - Let them read about other patients success stories.

‘Location and opening times’ - Tell them how to find you, how best to get there and when you are open.

‘Contact’ - Help them make contact with you with options for phone, email or social media etc –

There is no limit to the sections you have on your website; just make sure they are clear and relevant with lots of good content to help boost your rankings. And be sure to keep them up to date.

It makes sense to ensure your website is registered on all local directories catering for your area. You can do this yourself or pay your digital provider to do it for you.

The Laser Market works with a few independent digital suppliers, so if you want to find out more feel free to get and touch and we can pass your details on.

Your digital footprint should not stop at a website. In today’s market it can be supplemented by the addition of Facebook pages, Twitter account, Pinterest, Snapchat, Youtube, Google+, and countless others. All of these should help drive traffic to your main website and then to your treatment table.

If we look at this in a logical fashion the bigger digital presence you have, the more likely it is for someone to find you.

The BIOS ‘Square Epil’ comes with a marketing pack to help with promotions, and our help and commitment to your success. In addition, when you purchase any new laser through the Laser Market you receive a “Marketing-Support Package” in which we put you in touch with one of our independent digital providers who will discuss your current setup, look at your website and offer help and advice….

Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing relates to things such as

  • Brochures
  • Advertisements
  • Signage

Anything none digital that you use to generate customers to your laser hair removal treatments. A good place traditionally for this sort of advertising will include your waiting room and shop window. Make everyone that visits or passes by aware that you offer the world’s fastest hair removal laser with unrivalled results and relatively pain free. No point having the best if people don’t know you have it.

You can use banner stands, posters and patient brochures in these areas to stimulate interest.

Make sure all your staff are aware of what you offer and the pricing. If a patient asks about a particular treatment they need to know the answers instantly as this gives the patient confidence and the feeling of being in a professional environment.

Don’t miss out on the cross-over between digital and traditional marketing. A video screen in the waiting room provides a good means of cross-selling additional treatments. You can have it scroll through your treatment portfolio, pictures of the machine and technology as well as those all-important before and after pictures.

Remember, whether you purchase the ‘Square Epil’ or the BIOS ‘Epil 8’, when you buy a new laser system through the Laser Market you also get our Marketing-Support Package. This can be used for help with Digital or traditional marketing including with design of specific posters, banners stands or any other need. And, with the BIOS ‘Square Epil’, you also get our free patient leaflets. We also provide all our customers with a USB drive that has system and treatment images and information to help your marketing drive.

Making Clients Feel Special

We mentioned the importance of testimonials on your website as a means of helping new clients develop trust in you and your treatments; well the same goes for Word of Mouth.

If a friend, colleague or acquaintance, or even someone you over-hear in a queue, mentions how good something is or how impressed they were with something, you tend to listen. That means when you are looking for that particular treatment you will naturally be drawn towards the one that was recommended.

So, it is important that every single client gets 100% of your attention and the best possible quality of service, from their first impression until the end of their final treatment, because that one client can lead to hundreds more. This has a snowball effect with more and more referrals.

That starts with the website, your digital footprint and your shop-front & clinic facilities. It includes making sure you have the best machine possible and ensuring your clients know why that is important. With the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ in your arsenal, no competitor is going to be able to compete with you on speed or efficiency of hair removal.

Beyond this, you need to ensure your client feels like royalty; after all with the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ they are getting the Rolls Royce of lasers for laser hair removal.

We previously mentioned other technology to accompany the BIOS ‘Square Epil’; one example is its UV Roller, where you can map the whole body in UV ink, turn off the light and the body has a grid pattern for you to be able to treat the patient, no more drawing with white pencils. This is efficient and quick but is also very visual and again will make your business stand out from the rest

Once you have made a favourable impression on your client, you have the opportunity of rewarding their ongoing loyalty. Such rewards will only improve their loyalty to you, and generate increasingly positive comments to enhance your word-of-mouth reputation.

How you reward them will depend on what feels right to you, but could include:

  • Money off vouchers
  • Free treatments
  • Gifts

Another popular reward is a VIP membership program

In this you could offer slightly reduced prices, champagne on arrival, access to VIP nights, priority access to new treatments. Anything to make them feel even more like one of the team and your most important assets.

A possible scenario of the benefits of such a program could be:

Mrs Smith has already had a laser treatment with another provider but it took hours to do, was painful and the results were poor.

She was searching for an alternative laser hair-removal treatment and came across an advertisement on Facebook that stated you had the world’s fastest laser and could treat a whole body in 34 minutes. She also saw it was suitable for all skin types and offered unrivalled results. She clicked the link and came to your website where she read more about the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ and your clinic facilities. She telephoned to find out more about the treatments and talked to your receptionist who explained all about the laser, the amazing success, the speed and the gold-standard treatments. Mrs Smith was assured of the quality of the machine and the success and arranged a patch test and a consultation.

Mrs came along had the consultation and patch test and then began a course of treatment. She was treated like royalty from start to finish.

Later, at work, Mrs smith spoke about the great service and results she was experiencing, and her colleague Mrs Jones expressed an interest. Mrs smith passed on the details of the clinic and who to contact.

Mrs Jones contacted the clinic and subsequently booked 6 treatments with the new laser. Immediately you sent Mrs Smith a thank you card for the referral and 10% off her next treatment as started her on the first step towards VIP status.

Mrs Smith continued to tell her family and friends about the amazing ‘Square Epil’ laser and the great service and treatments she had experienced. She has referred another 5 patients and has now finished her course of treatments. Mrs Smith has earned herself VIP status and as a Thank You is invited to a new product launch as well as receiving champagne on arrival. You recognise that she is worth even more to you as a client so you send her a theatre break for 2 as a personal thank you.

Not everyone will be suitable for the referral program but in Mss Smith you have created a customer for life, has earned your business thousands of pounds and is now considered a friend as well as a patient. In fact, you are both off to the latest aesthetic show in Monaco, at your cost, as a further sign of your gratitude.

Mrs Jones has also referred another 3 patients, who in turn have each referred 2 patients. I am sure you get the importance of word of mouth.

It is also worth remembering, without the initial investment in the ‘Square Epil’, you would not have had the Unique Selling Points to promote this laser and your service which went on to create the word of mouth revenue stream.

Referral programs can be difficult to manage, but are well worth the effort. They must have a clear structure to them and clients should be fully aware of the steps towards VIP status and what they get back at each stage.

Special events

A special event can be for everyday customers, or specific for VIP customers, Both types are equally important.

The event could be:

  • An Open Evening
  • An Educational event
  • A Holiday gathering
  • A Themed event

All are designed to get your clinic full of existing clients & potential new clients and create a buzz. The event is designed for you to provide the clients with a solution to their problem – in this case, unwanted hair. It does not have to be expensive but can be worth thousands of pounds in revenue.

A great time to hold a special event is when you are launching a new treatment or new technology.

When you purchase the ‘Square Epil’, we will help you with an event and come along to help sell treatments on the day to maximise return on investment for your clinic. The event will be designed to introduce the unique advantages of the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ and why patients should choose your clinic.

Another good occasion to offer an event is around specific dates in your calendar, such as the summer holidays - “Get that hair-free bikini body”. The event should be educational, where the people attending go away knowing about the technology that you have on offer so they can help spread the word. The Bios ‘Square Epil’ should be at the forefront of the event, with a short speech geared towards why you have invested in the laser above all others and why it is the best option for them. Client knowledge leads to client trust – in the treatments available and in your business.

Again; word of mouth becomes important here, to make sure your clinic is full of new faces - So offer incentives for people to bring along friends with the chance to win prizes and free treatments.

Also, it may be worth offering a slight reduction on price at the event to get people to sign up to large-area packages there and then.

Remember it may be worthwhile to hold a VIP evening as well and make them feel extra special as these clients may continue to refer patient and are worth their weight in gold to your business.

With the purchase of the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ laser We will help you with this event, every step of the way.

Treating men

The male client is often neglected for hair removal treatments, with lots of clinics advertisements targeted towards women and female hair removal treatments.

As a result, there may still be a gap in the local market to advertise specifically for males and make the adverts more masculine in appearance. This is a large demographic and could be well worth the advertising expense. Remember, you can use our Marketing-Support Package to help designs these specifically for your business.

Consider putting a separate page on your website purely aimed at the male market.

Make the men feel just as special as the woman; let it boost their self-confidence and they will only pass on positive remarks about your business. You could even have a male only evening or afternoon. Bear in mind they may want something different if they become VIP’s, perhaps offer a barbering gift experience or something else aimed towards their gender.

With the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ you have the perfect tool to remove all those unwanted hairs on their back, chest, feet etc. You can even shape their beard with the unique square pulse option.

Remember; most laser clinics are specifically designed for female patients, make your business stand out and advertise to men with your unique laser tool, the Bios ‘Square Epil’.

Sell large-area hair removal

There is no other laser in world that can treat unwanted hair as fast and effectively as the BIOS ‘Square Epil’, with a full body taking an average of 34 minutes utilising the world’s largest spot size of 30mm.

This laser is also designed with an ergonomic extendable arm which means the weight of the hand-piece is taken by the device arm and not by the person delivering the treatments. This means there is little risk to your employee so they will be happier in their work.

Larger areas offer a better return on investment as, even when treating smaller areas for a lower fee, you still have the costs associated with performing the patch test, the consultation, preparation of the client and their aftercare. Up-selling to treatment of larger areas is very important!

One means of Up-selling is through the use of vouchers codes from Groupon or similar providers: Be sure to only offer small-area treatments at the reduced voucher rate, then upsell to the larger areas as a result of the great client experience they receive at your clinic.

Make sure all your staff know how to up-sell and how to make it sound appealing to the client to get rid of their hairy legs as well as their hairy bikini line! Or, for men, get rid of their hairy backs as well as their hairy feet.

The bigger the treatment area, the greater the revenue and the better your bottom line.

You have the best technology in the world to do this with the BIOS ‘Square Epil’, so utilise it the best you can. Neither you nor your clients will not be disappointed.

Know your Business and your Unique Selling Points

We touched early upon the fact that you have something that most clinics do not have, and many unique selling points, with the BIOS ‘Square Epil’.

  • World’s fastest laser hair removal system
  • World’s biggest spot size @ 30mm
  • The 2 gold-standard hair-removal wavelengths, with blended emission
  • Square spot sizes, for no overlap of treatment
  • Most powerful laser in the world at 270watt
  • Contact cooling plus air cooling, in a single hand-piece

What else?

Well the system also has an integrated suction, so all those unwanted smells are removed at the same time as the laser treatment. This is all possible because of the patent ‘I-handpiece’, the world first integrated smoke evacuator.

UV roller - a state-of-the-art system to map the body with a UV roller. Turn off the lights and treat the grid pattern avoiding overlap and missing of areas. And no visible pen marks when the client leaves the clinic after treatment.

There are also other unique selling points that make this laser stack up as an investment:

Many lasers cost thousand to maintain per year in the form of servicing contracts and replacement hand-piece for diode systems such as the ‘Soprano’ range.

The Bios ‘Square Epil’ has the world’s first self-changing lamps, so no need for an engineer visit. You can replace the lamp yourself, saving thousands of pounds.

The Bios ‘Square Epil’ has a built in team-viewer, so if you are having a problem with the laser we can remotely diagnose your system without visiting your premises, saving you both time and money.

Other treatments: Unlike many of the hair removal systems out there at the moment in the form of diodes that only offer hair reduction treatment, the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ can perform numerous other applications including:

  • Vascular & pigments lesion treatments
  • podiatry treatments,
  • skin rejuvenation treatments
  • acne treatment

This means, not only can you up-sell more treatments but you can also maximise your return on investment from every single client.

Don’t underestimate the power of that investment. The @Square Epil’ is like no other laser in the world so make people aware of it. Draw people’s attention the treatments and the testimonials. Publish articles on your website about a patient’s experience. Celebrate their experience online, link Facebook and twitter to the article.

Even if you are new to laser hair-removal you can also go that extra mile. A clinic we visited recently used an after-care goodie bag that consisted of a small sunscreen bottle, a bottle of water, a pen with their logo and business name on, a referral card and, most importantly, their contact details; so the client feels, even when they have left the premises, that the clinic is still thinking of them.

Every month; put yourself in a patient’s shoes or get a friend to critique your business - from the very start of the process on your website, to your consultation, waiting room, treatment and aftercare. This will help highlight where you are strong and where you can improve as well as highlighting your unique selling points to you and your staff. Once you know what you do well, make sure anyone else knows as well, in the form of traditional & digital advertising and world of mouth.

Email marketing

We have already mentioned that the key to any success often lies with the website and driving traffic to that website to convert them into paying customers.

As with everything, sometimes you need to see the same information more than once for it to really register and for it to attract your interest.

Not everyone who visits your website for the first time will look to book treatments straight away. One low-cost means to ensure they never forget you, and increase the chance they come back at a later date, is through email marketing.

This is not spamming. This is keeping in touch with your target audience. Your website should be able to track who visits. You can start building your list from this. You can run competitions on Facebook to further increase your mailing list.

With the continuous building contacts list, you can keep prospects in tune with your clinic and services, special events, treatment information, articles, press cuttings and much more

Programs are available to self-design e-shots and send them to multiple contacts at one time . If you prefer, our “Marketing-Support Package” provided with the purchase of any New Laser through the Laser Market, can be used for the task.

Cross selling

We have already touch upon this in previous sections and now we will focus on it a little.

With the BIOS ‘Square Epil’, you have the ability to offer more treatments than just hair-removal. You have the tool to be able to cross sell other laser treatments. This is one of the big standout features of the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ over Diode lasers such as the Alma ‘Soprano’ range that offer just hair removal unless you buy another hand-piece to be able to offer skin tightening.

With the Bios ‘Square Epil’ you can offer:

  • Acne treatment
  • Rosacea treatment
  • Skin rejuvenation treatment
  • Wrinkles reduction treatment
  • Thread vein treatment
  • Facial veins treatment
  • Verruca treatment
  • Warts removal treatments
  • Onychomycosis (fungal nail infection) treatment
  • Vascular lesion treatment
  • Benign pigmented lesion treatment

Same machine, no extra outlay!

So; more treatments, bigger return on investment and a better bottom line.

Likewise, in advertising these other treatments, you will attract clients to whom you can also cross-sell laser hair removal; which should be a relatively straight forward sale as you do have the fastest laser in the world!

So, make sure you have all your treatment brochures and leaflets designed to promote you and your business available to be seen be all.

Make sure everyone who passes your business or visits your websites knows that you have the best laser in the world. This can be done by comparing treatment times, testimonials, promoting the painless-treatment aspect, unrivalled results, etc ….

Also look at what other machines are in your area and compare against them. Without being derogatory, highlight why your Laser system is the best.


One way to increase your bottom line it to be fully aware of the cost of consumables and the ongoing costs of running your laser, avoiding those that are associated with large year-on-year costs. So you need to know what replacement parts are likely to be required, how often replacements may be needed, what is the worst case scenario is and what consumables are required..

Like other laser systems the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ has consumable parts and an optional service contract after the warranty period.

The BIOS ‘Square Epil’ is the only laser to guarantee the number of shots you can deliver from the lamps. If it does not deliver that number of shots, you get a refund for the unused portion.

The BIOS ‘Square Epil’ also has low cost servicing due to the remote diagnostics via the TeamViewer technology, so no need to send an engineer to check the system.

The BIOS ‘Square Epil’ also has self-replacement lamps and water, so again no need for an engineer to come and do that. You can do it yourself; quickly and efficiently.

When comparing against diode lasers, remember the biggest consumable part is the hand-piece and if it goes wrong the replacement costs are in the thousands of pounds (up to £20,000 for some of them) with no guarantee on the number of shots! Despite the impression given by many manufacturers, hand-pieces do not last forever; and since, with a diode laser you are firing 10x the number of shots than the BIOS laser, this can rapidly become an unsupportable expense.

The BIOS ‘Square Epil’ also requires no gel. unlike Diode lasers.

Don’t let the unseen costs cripple your business.

Remember; you can always talk to the Laser Market. We’ll explain the full costs of ownership for different types of laser and offer truly independent advice.



To maximise your revenue from laser hair-removal, you need the right laser technology and there is nothing better the BIOS ‘Square Epil’.

You also need the right marketing tools and the right approach to make your business the success it and you deserve.

For more information on the BIOS ‘Square Epil’ or independent free advice on any laser system, please get in touch with the LASER MARKET