Zeolight IPL system
The Zeolight dual IPL / Laser system from Sonic Medical Systems is a 21st century intense pulse light system offering 3 technologies in one.
- Radio-frequency
- Q switch
IPL has long since been one of the gold standards for hair reduction along with laser technology. The zeolite systems uses a unique and innovative combination of IPL and radiofrequency to enhance the results for hair removal making the process quicker, safer and very effective.
IPL / RF Combination: - How it works
1. Contact is made with skin.
2. IPL preheats target
3. R/F is drawn towards heated target deep inside the dermis and both energies work to attack both the inside and outside of the target
The combined IPL and bi-polar radiofrequency increases selectivity and allows for deeper dermal penetration.
Less optical energy is needed which increases the saferty of the procedure for treating all skin types.
Better quicker results than conventional IPL
Benefits of the Zeolight system
- Designed and manufactured in the UK
- Large, easy to use touch screen display
- Easy to use
- Advanced cooling system
- Easy maintenance
- Spot size from 1cm2 to 22cm2
- Effective on light coloured hair
Applicators available with the Zeolight are:
1cm Applicator Head
550nm applicator; for treating:
- Vellus, ginger and blonde hair
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Skin type 1 to 3
- Vascular lesions
- Haemangiomas
- Sun damaged skin
- Telangiectasia’s
- Rosacea
- Scars
515nm applicator; for treating
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Light vascular lesions
- Light pigmented lesions
- Telangiectasia’s
- Rosacea
- Spider veins
495nm applicator; for treating
- Vascular & Pigmented Lesions
5cm Applicator Head
610nm applicator; for treating:
- Hair removal - All skin types
590nm applicator; for treating:
- Vellus, ginger and blonde hair
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Skin type 4
550nm applicator; for treating:
- Vellus, ginger and blonde hair
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Skin type 1 to 3
- Vascular lesions
- Haemangiomas
- Sun damaged skin
- Telangiectasia’s
- Rosacea
- Scars
515nm applicator; for treating
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Light vascular lesions
- Light pigmented lesions
- Telangiectasia’s
- Rosacea
- Spider veins
495nm applicator; for treating
- Vascular & Pigmented Lesions
The Zeolight device also offers the bi-polar radio-frequency treatment for
- Skin tightening
- Skin laxity
- Wrinkle reduction
In addition to this, the Zeolight system provides Q-switch Nd:Yag laser for the treatment of
- Tattoo removal
- Vascular lesions
- Pigmented lesions
- Onychomycosis
- Hair removal stubborn areas
- Thread veins
Technical specs
Light Source:Intense Pulsed Light
Modes of Operation: ACAP (Advanced Combined Accumulative Zeolight Pulse Train)
495nm - 1cm2 & 5cm2,
515nm - 1cm2 & 5cm2,
550nm - 1cm2 & 5cm2,
590nm - 5cm2 & 22cm2,
610nm - 5cm2
Repitition Rate: 1-3 Seconds
Fluence: Auto and advanced modes, 3 to 45 J/cm2, optimized
Pulse Duration: From 2ms to 100ms, optimized
Pulse Sequencing: From 1.5ms, optimized
Skin Photo Types: 1-6 light to dark Fitzpatrick Scale
Nd:YAG Power: 500W, 1-1000mJ
Nd:YAG Wavelength: 532nm, 1064nm
Actuator: Footswitch
RF Output Power: 200W no-load
RF Energy: 1-40J/cm2
RF Frequency: 1MHz
User Interface: User friendly touch screen
Weight: 23kg
Dimensions: Width: 56cm, Depth: 54cm, Height: 35cm
Electrical Requirement:230VAC, 12A, 50/60Hz, single phase
Standard: CE
Price : £21500 + VAT
Sonic Medical Systems products are sold in the UK through Beehive Solutions Ltd. Tel: 020 8550 9108
Enquire today