Superbium platform laser system

Available in the UK through the Laser Market

Bios Superbium Laser; the most comprehensive, value for money, high tech platform system on the market today with the option of up to 5 different hand pieces.

To perform the wide variety of treatments available with the Superbium, Practitioners would normally need to purchase multiple laser systems.

Not so with a Bios Superbium laser; this innovative laser platform can handle it all. The systems is compact enough to be used as a portable device yet incorporates a 10.4 inch touch-screen with a weight of just 35 Kg. The Superbium can easily sit on a desk top, but will equally feel at home on the optional trolley, or on top of a cold-air chiller system. 


Multiple hand pieces available covering a wide variety of treatments

  • Erbium yag laser 2940nm
  • Fractional erbium laser 1540nm
  • Short pulse and long pulse Nd:YAg laser
  • Q -switch laser 
  • Intense pulsed light

Multiple unique system advancements

          Plug & Play Options


          Adaptive Electronics

          Square Pulse

          TeamViewer ®

          Skin Cam

Download Brochure


A choice of seven hand-pieces, many with multiple spot sizes and configurations - operating across multiple energy source-types - gives the Superbium a phenomenal range of potential treatment applications and outstanding versatility.

Multiple hand-pieces translates to an opportunity to introduce additional treatments to your business over time, rather than having to pay for them all in the initial purchase costs.

And that provides for a better return on investment.

See below for more details on the available hand-pieces and to download the hand-piece brochures.


Nd:YAG 1064nm hand-piece

This fantastic addition to the portfolio of hand-pieces on the Superbium platform is actually two 1064nm Nd:YAG lasers in one; as the hand piece can delivery both short-pulse and long-pulse treatments.

Its intended uses include:

  • Vascular lesions
  • Angioma
  • Telangiectasias
  • Nose telangiectasia
  • Rosacea and Couperose
  • Hemangioma
  • Blue Telangiectasia
  • Leg red superficial veins
  • Spider nevi
  • Hair removal - all skin types

The Nd:YAG laser has sapphire cooled tips and can be used with an additional external cooling source for increased patient comfort.

In long pulse mode the hand piece can deliver 45J at 1 Hz (pulse width 25Ms)

In short pulse it can deliver 1000mJ at 10Hz (pulse width 100uS)

To learn more about the Nd:YAG laser hand-piece and view before & after treatment images, please download the hand-piece brochure

Nd:YAG 1064nm hand-piece

Nd:YAG 1064/532nm Q-switched H-p

The Nd:YAG Q-switched hand-piece for the Bios Superbium platform laser system is both high powered and versatile. It emits a choice of two laser wavelengths, either 1064nm or 532nm, for the treatment of all tattoo and pigmentation and complete removal for many tattoos and pigments.

The laser energy is a massive 1800j which is more than many standalone systems. Due to its high power it can also deliver pulses over 5 hz with a range of spot sizes available of 1-5mm, 2mm, 4mm and 8mm and a pulse width of <12ns

The q-switched handpiece can be used for the following treatments

  • Tattoo removal
  • Eye liner
  • Nevo de ota
  • Nevo slilus
  • Solar-Lentigo
  • Black or blue tattoo
  • Cafe au lait
  • Dischromya
  • Seborreic keratosis
  • Carbon paste facial

The carbon paste facial is a treatment that involves a coal-based solution being applied to the face, followed by a controlled and non-ablative peeling on the dermal surface and its remodelling using the q-switch beam. The beam heats the thin layer of skin stimulating fibroblast and collagen resulting in younger and healthier skin. The effect is designed to improve skin tone, narrow wrinkles and reduction of mixed melasma.

Please click here to download the Q switch hand piece brochure


Erbium:YAG 2940nm hand-piece

The Superbium Er:YAG 2940nm laser hand-piece is one of two Erbium laser hand-pieces available on the Superbium platform system. The other being an Erbium:GLass fractional hand-piece

The Er:YAG 2940nm laser hand-piece, designed for Dermal & Fractional treatments, operates upto 2500mJ and has standard 6 & 9mm spot-size tips along with both 7x7 (49 dots/cm2) and 9x9 (81 dots/cm2)  to give a multitude of different applications such as: 

  • Skin rejuvenation
    • Cheeks
    • Neck
    • Wrinkles
    • Decollate
    • Plus much more
  • Benign Epidermal Nevi
  • Hidradenoma
  • Seborrheic Verruca
  • Flat Verruca
  • Post tatoo removal treatment
  • Fibro-epithelial Papilloma
  • Seborrheic and actinic keratoses

With a wide range of spotsizes available you can tailor make your treatment to suit your clients’ needs

  • 6mm
  • 9mm
  • 1 - 3.5mm variable 
  • Fractional tip 49 dots/cm2
  • Fractional tip 81 dots/cm2

To see some before and after pictures please feel free to download the Erbium:YAG hand-piece brochure


Erbium:Glass 1540nm fractional H-p

The superbium platform has the option of either a 2940nm Erbium:YAG of a fractional Erbium:GLASS 1540nm hand piece.

Fractional laser is often considered less aggressive to the patient with less downtime and more patient comfort.

The fractional Erbium:GLASS 1540nm hand piece has a choice of 2 fractional tips 

  • 10x10 = 100 dots/cm2
  • 18x18 = 324 dots/cm2

The intended conditions to be treated with fractional Erbium:Glass hand-piece are:

  • Non-ablative photorejuvenation
  • Wrinkles
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Large pores
  • Cloasma
  • Acne scars
  • Cafe au lait

To view some before and after pictures of the treatments and Download the hand piece brochure here

IPL hand-piece

Many Intense Pulsed Light Systems (IPL’s) deliver a single wavelength with one individual hand piece. The Superbium is different, with one hand piece delivering a choice of multiple different wavelengths with the use of separate, easy-fit, light guides and operating on a Xenon Lamp delivering energy at 400 - 1200nm.

The IPL hand-piece is very powerful and because of its unique design can offer multiple treatments at a fraction of the cost of many other IPL systems on the market today.

Some of its intended uses are

  • Hair removal
  • Photo rejuvenation
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Vascular lesions
  • Benign pigmented lesions

The wavelength lightguide filters available are

  • 400nm
  • 550nm
  • 580nm
  • 620nm
  • 700nm
  • 755nm

In addition double-band handpieces with cooled light-guides are available  for 500-670nm and 870-1200nm, and a broadband pass of 610-950nm.

This broad spectrum of wavelengths means a fantastic application range that is value for money and effective

In addition, 

To see more of our before and after pictures, Download the hand piece brochure


Superbium platform laser system before
Superbium platform laser system before
Superbium platform laser system before
Superbium platform laser system before
Superbium platform laser system

Interested in Purchasing
Superbium platform laser?


Click on the treatments below to see Before and After Images


Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.MediaWithCrops`1[Umbraco.Cms.Web.Common.PublishedModels.Image]  before image
 after image
Nose Telangiectasis
 before image
 after image
Acne Scars

Er:YAG Treatments

Wrinkles - Non-ablative Photorejuvenation

Enquire today
